Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

Serene Scalp

prix réguliers $65.00
Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub
Standard (125 ml)

Révélez le secret d’un cuir chevelu en santé. Cet exfoliant puissant, formulé pour être doux sur le cuir chevelu et les cheveux, permet d’exfolier le sébum, la saleté et les résidus de produits grâce à des perles à base de sérum. Un mélange d’acide alpha-hydroxy et d’extraits de fruits nettoie les pores et nourrit les cheveux. Il en résulte un cuir chevelu en santé et purifié en profondeur.

  • Mélange unique d'exfoliants physiques et chimiques qui exfolie en douceur les peaux mortes, le sébum, la saleté et les résidus de produit sur le cuir chevelu
  • Nettoie et détoxifie les pores afin de purifier le cuir chevelu
  • Crée un environnement optimal pour assurer la santé du cuir chevelu et des cheveux
  • Hydrate, nourrit et adoucit la chevelure
  • Apaise, équilibre et dynamise le cuir chevelu



Avant le shampooing, mouiller les cheveux et appliquer directement sur le cuir chevelu. Massez soigneusement, rincez et appliquez ensuite un shampooing et un après-shampooing comme d'habitude. Utiliser chaque semaine.


Complexe d'extraits floraux apaisants

(Camomille, barbeau, matricaire, tilleul, souci et épilobe) Hydrate en profondeur, nourrit et calme le cuir chevelu, tout en ravivant les cheveux endommagés et en offrant une protection contre les cassures.

Perles de polymères souples

Éclatent pendant l'exfoliation afin d'éliminer délicatement les peaux mortes, le sébum, la saleté et les résidus de produits.

Complexe original d’Oribe

(Melon d’eau, litchi et fleurs d’édelweiss) Protège les cheveux non seulement contre le stress oxydatif, le photovieillissement et la dégradation de la kératine naturelle, mais également contre la sécheresse, les dommages et la décoloration causés par les éléments.

Mélange d'extraits contenant des acides alpha-hydroxy

(Citron, orange, myrtille, canne à sucre, érable à sucre) Exfolie et purifie le cuir chevelu, sans assécher les cheveux ni les priver de leurs huiles naturelles.

Huile de menthe poivrée

Produit une sensation de fraîcheur qui apaise instantanément, rééquilibre et hydrate le cuir chevelu, tout en favorisant la santé de la chevelure.

Extrait de malachite

Pierre sacrée de l'Égypte ancienne, la malachite aide à détoxifier et offre une protection contre les polluants environnementaux.


Énergise le cuir chevelu et régénère les follicules pileux.

Acide glycolique

Exfolie en douceur le cuir chevelu, tout en revitalisant, en hydratant et en adoucissant la chevelure pour la renforcer et la rendre plus facile à coiffer.


Serene Scalp Oil Control Shampoo

prix réguliers $65.00
250 ml

Serene Scalp Balancing Conditioner

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200 ml

Serene Scalp Balancing Shampoo

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1000 ml
Serene Scalp Densifying Treatment Spray Serene Scalp Densifying Treatment Spray

Serene Scalp Densifying Treatment Spray

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Run-Through Detangling Primer

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175 ml
Serene Scalp Densifying Shampoo Serene Scalp Densifying Shampoo

Serene Scalp Densifying Shampoo

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250 ml
Superfine Hair Spray Superfine Hair Spray

Superfine Hair Spray

prix réguliers $58.00
300 ml


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12 commentateurs sur 14 (86%) recommandent ce produit

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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

A scrub❤️for all those

il y a 3 ans
A scrub❤️for all those who remember that healthy scalp = healthy hair. The product gently cleanses the scalp, removes styling, and also takes care of a comfortable life without itching and flaking ... .. Perfectly conducts "general cleaning" after which you will feel how the scalp breathes. Light volume, unmatched shine and an incredible sense of cleanliness appear ...... I really love this remedy, it has been with me for several years already ❤️❤️❤️
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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Oribe Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub This stuff works really,

il y a 2 ans
Oribe Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub This stuff works really, really well for thick hair. The only issue I have with it is that I have to use quite a bit if I have a lot of build up and it’s expensive..But I only use it once or twice a week so it does last a few months. I highly recommend it. #oribe #serenescalp #exfoliatingscrub #influenster #review #voxbox #hair #beauty #luxury
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Publication initiale sur Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

3 étoile(s) sur 5.

Just scrab for scalp, no magic

il y a 2 ans
an ordinary scrub for the scalp, nothing remarkable, very expensive, there are better and cheaper analogues! I don't think I will buy again 🤷‍♀️
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Publication initiale sur Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

Charlotte NC
5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Will purchase again!

il y a 3 ans
This scalp scrub has exceeded my expectations! The bottle has an applicator type top so it’s easy to get the product exactly where you need it on your scalp. It’s also not super abrasive like some scalp scrubs. Just enough “scrub”. Smells great and has helped a lot with this stubborn dry patch at the front of my hairline. It hasn’t totally gotten rid of it but it keeps it from actively flaking throughout the day which is a win in my book.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

Publication initiale sur Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

Housyon, Texas
1 étoile(s) sur 5.

silicone scrub

il y a 4 mois
The 3rd or 4th ingredient in this scrub is Dimethicone; a bad non water soluable silicone and known and rated the worst of the silicone groups by dermatologist and industry as a whole. It is also liaded with co-polymers. It is an abrasive scrub to the scalp all the while coating your scalp with plastic silicone and polymers: Oribe and this scrub is not VEGAN; bot anywhere close to it. It is not a scalp healthy product. DO NOT USE!
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Non, Je ne recommande pas ce produit.

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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Fantastic Product

il y a 2 mois
I have been using scalp exfoliating scrub for about 2 years and I love it. It does exactly what it says. It cleansers my scalp of all the impurities of daily product use, making my hair look fresh and clean and yes even thicker. I recently purchased the Serene Scalp thickening treatment spray and I absolutely love it as well. The 2 definitely work in tandem. Pricey, yes. But so worth it. My hair is very fine. This spray has significantly increased the volume of my hair. People have noticed. I get compliments all the time since I started using both products together.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

Publication initiale sur Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

Charleston, SC
5 étoile(s) sur 5.


il y a 6 mois
Love this product. I saw a NP post about it on Instagram and she is someone I trust her opinion on products. I’m someone who only washes my hair one per week. This really cleans and freshens up my scalp. I love it. I use it about every other week. After my wash, my scalp feels so much better and so much cleaner. Especially after weeks of dry shampoo build up.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

Publication initiale sur Serene Scalp Exfoliating Scrub

5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Cleans buildup!

il y a 3 ans
I bought this a month ago and I wanted to get rid of scalp build up that I could feel when I’d run my fingers through. It doesn’t take much and my scalp feels clean and smooth now. I do not have any scalp condition or dandruff, and my scalp is not oily by nature. But it feels great and I love the light scent. I have given it to my husband to use as well as he is bald and he loves how his scalp feels too. Wonderful product.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

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