Gold Lust Repair & Restore Shampoo

Gold Lust

prix réguliers $66.00
Gold Lust Repair & Restore Shampoo

Redonnez à votre chevelure tout son lustre et un air de santé. Ce shampooing rajeunissant combine des huiles curatives et extraits utilisés depuis des siècles — cyprès et argan — et notre révolutionnaire complexe bio-reconstituant pour rééquilibrer le cuir chevelu et renforcer chaque mèche.

  • Renforce chaque mèche de l’intérieur
  • Ravive la chevelure pour lui donner une apparence plus jeune et plus saine
  • Nettoie les cheveux en douceur
  • Rétablit l’humidité
  • Protège les cheveux contre les dommages


Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner

Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner

prix réguliers $70.00
200 ml
Gold Lust Transformative Masque Gold Lust Transformative Masque

Gold Lust Transformative Masque

prix réguliers $86.00
150 ml

Balm d’Or Heat Styling Shield

prix réguliers $60.00
100 ml
Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil

Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil

prix réguliers $74.00
100 ml


Après l'utilisation du shampooing et de l'après-shampooing Gold Lust

91 % des participantes ont observé une amélioration de l’apparence de leurs cheveux*

82 % ont trouvé que la pointe de leurs cheveux était renforcée et scellée*

74 % ont constaté que leur chevelure était plus apte à résister aux dommages futurs*

*D'après un sondage mené auprès de 101 femmes échelonné sur 7 jours.


Faire mousser, se faire plaisir, rincer.


Complexe bio-reconstituant

À base de collagène végétal, de caféine, de biotine et de niacinamide, répare les dommages au niveau de la racine afin de fortifier et de nourrir la cuticule en profondeur,tout en dynamisant le cuir chevelu et en régénérant le follicule pileux.

Complexe original d’Oribe

(Melon d’eau, litchi et fleurs d’édelweiss) Protège les cheveux non seulement contre le stress oxydatif, le photovieillissement et la dégradation de la kératine naturelle, mais également contre la sécheresse, les dommages et la décoloration causés par les éléments.

Huile d'argan

Donne de l'éclat, répare les dommages et contrôle les frisottis.

Complexe d'acides aminés

Mis au point pour imiter le plus possible l'action des protéines dans le cortex capillaire, hydrate la chevelure et le cuir chevelu, renforce la cuticule et répare les dommages causés à celle-ci.

Extrait de cyprès méditerranéen

Symbole d'immortalité dans l'antiquité, hydrate en profondeur afin de réparer durablement et de rajeunir la peau.


Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner

Gold Lust Repair & Restore Conditioner

prix réguliers $70.00
200 ml

Gold Lust Dry Shampoo

prix réguliers $65.00
285 ml
Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil

Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil

prix réguliers $74.00
100 ml
Gold Lust Transformative Masque Gold Lust Transformative Masque

Gold Lust Transformative Masque

prix réguliers $86.00
150 ml
Hair Alchemy Resilience Shampoo Hair Alchemy Resilience Shampoo

Hair Alchemy Resilience Shampoo

prix réguliers $65.00
250 ml


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214 commentateurs sur 237 (90%) recommandent ce produit

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Colorado, USA
5 étoile(s) sur 5.

State of art hair care

il y a un an
I am leading orcas swimming expeditions above Arctic Circle and in the Mexico. I have natural blonde hair and due to my lifestyle, my hair was often dry, overexposed to sun, salt water and “without juice” :) I discovered Oribe couple of years ago and this is my “go to” when I need luxurious salon treatment while staying at the remote islands. This shampoo has soft, subtle “spring” scent with creamy and light foam. I purchased it along with conditioner and moisturizer cream and I was speechless with the result. My hair felt smoother and looked like I just stepped out of salon. I am adding my “before” pic as well (fitness lunging one) for comparison.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Great product

il y a 2 ans
I received a sample of this and have to say I am impressed. The bottle itself looks luxurious and adds a nice aesthetic to the shower. It also smells insanely good without the overpowering perfumey smell. The shampoo has a nice consistency, thick but still lathers well. I also think it’s helped with my frizzy / damaged hair to give it a more sleek look. I took before and after pictures for reference, both pictures my hair is air dried. The before picture is obviously knotty/ at it’s frizziest and second picture is right after washing with oribe. Definitely would recommend.
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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

I have tape in hair extensions and this is the bes

il y a 2 ans
This is the best shampoo and conditioner brand ever- and I have tried them all, cheep expensive, it did not matter. But even the expensive brands fell short. I even did one where they custom create the shampoo to your hair needs- nope. Didn’t work for me. Then I tried Oribe and I am hooked. No more brittle tangled hair, no more deciding between build up or moisturizing, I get to have my moisturizer in my hair product without the negative side effect of the build up. I have thin brittle hair. I wear hair extensions ( tape ins) and this is the best shampoo I have ever used with them. It extends the life of both my hair and the tape.
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Best shampoo I've ever used. Cleans without stripp

il y a 2 ans
I received this product free in exchange for my honest review. TLDR: Perfect for coarse, (but not black nor caucasion) "ethnic" hair. Women with hair that falls between black and Caucasian hair on the spectrum of coarsness, porosity, etc. have been entirely ignored by the haircare industry for years and I've struggled like many of us finding products that aren't too stripping (most products) or not quite stripping enough (some black hair care brands). Given our total lack of representation in the hair industry, Oribe should capitalize on that and offer their products in a way that shows they get our different hair needs (compared to Caucasian women). Overview: I have very coarse, thick, curly hair. I also have an autoimmune disorder so my whole body is inflamed and it dries out my hair and nails. I usually use Ouai thick hair shampoo and conditioner, followed by Olaplex No. 8 in the shower (wash out mask), put in a few pumps of Ouai hair oil and curl cream while it's still damp post-shower, and finish by letting my hair air dry naturally. When trying the Oribe Gold Lust shampoo and conditioner, I did the same routine but replaced the Ouai shampoo/conditioner with the Oribe Gold Lust shampoo and conditioner. Normally my hair takes many, many hours to dry (I live in FL so humidity doesn't help). It can easily take eight hours. I have no idea how, but after using Oribe shampoo/conditioner, my hair completely dried in about an hour, and was mostly dry within 30-45 minutes. I've never had it dry so fast in my life. And usually on wash day, my hair is the driest & frizziest-- not after using Oribe! I used less conditioner than normal and still, my hair dried without any of the usual frizz I normally deal with on wash day. Immediately post-wash, my hair looked like it does on that rare perfect hair day, in a fraction of the time and with much less product (conditioner, hair oil, and curl creme). When I got this voxbox I was hoping that the Oribe shampoo and conditioner would be just alright, because they're so expensive, but no such luck-- I'm in love! Other pros: 1. The shampoo lathers up well, and cleanses thoroughly (leaving your scalp feeling super clean) with very little product. Normally, lather-producing shampoos are very stripping for coarse hair like mine, but this wasn't! Finding a shampoo that lathers up (because like many, I love that feeling when hair washing) but doesn't strip coarse hair is a welcome surprise. 2. The packaging is gorgeous. It was carefully wrapped and packaged to both protect the products in transit, and it was just a beautiful display, for a fun and luxurious-feeling unboxing. 3. The actual shampoo and conditioner bottles are very pretty. The boxes they come in feel high quality and look gorgeous with the gold inlay and high-end packaging material. The shampoo bottle in particular feels sturdy-- this is important, since dropping $53 shampoo and losing it down the drain if the bottle breaks would be heart-breaking! Now, the cons (of which there aren't many): 1. The price and quantity. The shampoo is $53 (250ml) and the conditioner is $56 (200ml). For comparison, Olaplex shampoo/conditioner are $30 each for 250ml, and Ouai shampoo/conditioner are $32 each for 300ml. So in addition to the high price, the quantity of product per bottle is on the low end, particularly the conditioner. Furthermore, since the conditioner is more expensive than the shampoo, the conditioner having 20% less product, too, seems a bit absurd. At $56, adding another 50ml to make them even (or heck, using a more standard product quantity, like 300ml) seems more than feasible, and that 50ml difference given the already-pretty small quantity per bottle seems kind of stingy. Notably, people with "ethnic" or non-caucasian hair, like mine, use far more conditioner than shampoo, so the higher price and lower quantity of conditioner per bottle (versus the shampoo) is the opposite of what women like me need. If the product weren't SO good, this alone would turn me off enough to potentially not buy it. 2. The conditioner bottle is soft (unlike the shampoo bottle) and the cap feels less well-made/sturdy. I'm concerned that if you dropped it in the shower, it would break easily. Conclusion: 1. Beautiful packaging/containers. 2. Shampoo lathers well without stripping. 3. Conditioner has plenty of slip. 4. Both products work amazingly for thick/coarse/"ethnic" hair (without stripping it or drying it out). Suggestion for Oribe-- create some sort of bundle deal with a larger conditioner bottle, but lower unit price, for us non-caucasion women who need to co-wash and use much more conditioner than shampoo! It could even have a smaller shampoo bottle to compensate for the larger conditioner. Oribe managed (maybe unintentionally) to create a perfect shampoo for hair like mine: hair on the spectrum between black and caucasion hair. Jewish and middle eastern women with hair like mine have an impossible time finding hair products that work at all, so recognizing this utility and creating a bundle that recognizes our hair's different needs (like how we wash with conditioner between shampoos, etc.) would make this line perfect and would earn Oribe my loyalty forlife.
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4 étoile(s) sur 5.

Helped reduce frizz

il y a un an
The Gold Lust Shampoo helped reduce the frizz and damage of my color treated blonde hair. My hair looked and felt healthier after one use.
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Oui, Je recommande ce produit.

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4 étoile(s) sur 5.

Curly Hair Review

il y a 2 ans
I was so excited to try this product when it came in. The smell and packaging is fantastic. The scent was subtle and gender neutral enough for both my boyfriend and I to use. I have naturally curly hair and from the few times I’ve used it I can say that I would recommend it for hair that has stronger curls or for straighter hair. My curls are very light and the product was a bit too heavy (conditioner) and weighed down my hair more than other products I have used. It did not leave my hair oily though and again, loved the smell.
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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Must have!!

il y a un an
I recently tried this beautiful Shampoo and for my dry, brittle and damaged hair and I’m so in LOVE with the results! After just a few uses I noticed a significant improvement in the overall condition of my hair. Thanks to it, my dry and damaged hair is full of life again! A little bit of product lasts for a long time, because you only need a small amount! It's a bit pricey, but it's worth it! For best results, use it paired with a conditioner from the same line.
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5 étoile(s) sur 5.

Made my hair looked healthier and stronger!

il y a 2 ans
This shampoo is a hair saver, my hair has gone through so much bleaching, hair dyes, hot tools, that it made it look so lifeless, frizzy, dry and coarse, but after almost a month of using my hair is completely different, healthier, shinier, stronger, restored it, I will keep using it. The other thing i love is how clean it wash off, you don't spend a lot of time rinsing it off, is like when you applied the shampoo it lather good on and then like if your hair absorbed it, or evaporates lol and then there's not much to rinse, is amazing, I just love it. I received this product for free from influenster and Oribe in exchange for my honest review
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